Importance of Planets in Education

In the present generation, education holds the most important role in an individuals life. Education results into meekness. Meekness results into labouring and labour gives you money and money gives you fame prosperity and luxuries. According to astrology, the 4th house is for luxury and 5th house is for wisdom. The second house is given to Goddess Saraswati, which means the second house is considered as the house of education and knowledge. Other than this, if the child's 9th house is strong, then he can achieve something extraordinary in his higher education. With all of these, if the 10th house is also strong, then the child can achieve big fame also. Hence in astrology, it is observed, that whichever house is considered suitable for the respective zodiac, those can be made strong by the measures took by astrologers'. Here is a brief explanation of what kind of education will be successful in order to adapt to which planet: (1) Jupiter : The individual hold...